The teams

Tetra Media Studio

Jean-François Boyer, Chairman

Sébastien Borivent, Managing Director

Victoire Fichet, Executive Assistant

Rodolphe Choisy, General Secretary

Vanessa Capelle, Head of General Services

Lauren Estruch, Legal Officer

Alexandre Guyader, Legal Officer

Isaure Paire, Legal Officer

Corinne Eyraud, Accounting Director

Colette Pedanou, Associate Accounting Director

Leslie Gauthier, Head Accountant

Camille Riche, Financial Controller

Tetra Media Fiction

Emmanuel Daucé, Producer

Antoine Szymalka, Producer

Antoine Szymalka, Producer

Léa Gabrié, Producer

Isaure Gallice, production and communication officer

Muriel Delcayre, Production Director


Charline de Lépine, Producer

Tangaro / CLC Productions

Laurent Préyale, Line producer CLC Productions


Dominique Lancelot, Producer


Stéphane Marsil, Producer

Colette Production

Saga Blanchard, Producer